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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mark Cuban, College Football Playoff and Fox Network

Here is my plea to the Fox Network....please please please, get with Mark Cuban and make a college football playoff happen. This would make your network viable again since ESPN took the crappy BCS away from you. (Which could be the best thing to happen to you)

Cuban has said that he is willing to pony up 500 million of his own money to make this happen. Oddly enough, the BCS in attempting to make Cuban's interest sound wrong actually made themselves look even more idiotic (as if they could do more of that). Cuban is just crazy enough to actually invest 500 millions dollars on a product -- a product that he knows will make him even more wealthy than he already is. Imagine if he could get buy-in from other rich people and increase that investment to $1 billion +?? What college conference would turn away more guaranteed money than they make right now?

Lets face the facts, the NCAA is corrupt and they need to do something to make people like them again. Especially with all this favoritism people think they are giving OSU and Auburn. If the NCAA wants people to fall back in love with them, announce they are looking at a 16 team playoff system and BOOM people will forget about all the crappy coverups you have committed in the last 6 weeks.

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