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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5 Buckeyes = 1 Apology

Not sure who decided that the 5 Buckeyes should apologize to the rest of Buckeye Nation. Honestly, that was a no win situation for any of those guys today. A majority of people think either people think their apologies are forced, or they think they are insincere. Sure, there are some people that probably believe their apologies were genuine and they are truly remorseful...but those are the same people that believe unicorns exist in a land with cotton candy clouds.

And if I have to hear another person say the words "Buckeye Nation" -- I may explode. It was a term that was overused and as one person actually counted...happened nine times.

Mr. Posey has already said he's coming back next that leaves Pryor, Adams, Herron to prepare for their NFL tryout that is the Allstate Sugar Bowl.

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