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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mark Cuban, College Football Playoff and Fox Network

Here is my plea to the Fox Network....please please please, get with Mark Cuban and make a college football playoff happen. This would make your network viable again since ESPN took the crappy BCS away from you. (Which could be the best thing to happen to you)

Cuban has said that he is willing to pony up 500 million of his own money to make this happen. Oddly enough, the BCS in attempting to make Cuban's interest sound wrong actually made themselves look even more idiotic (as if they could do more of that). Cuban is just crazy enough to actually invest 500 millions dollars on a product -- a product that he knows will make him even more wealthy than he already is. Imagine if he could get buy-in from other rich people and increase that investment to $1 billion +?? What college conference would turn away more guaranteed money than they make right now?

Lets face the facts, the NCAA is corrupt and they need to do something to make people like them again. Especially with all this favoritism people think they are giving OSU and Auburn. If the NCAA wants people to fall back in love with them, announce they are looking at a 16 team playoff system and BOOM people will forget about all the crappy coverups you have committed in the last 6 weeks.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5 Buckeyes = 1 Apology

Not sure who decided that the 5 Buckeyes should apologize to the rest of Buckeye Nation. Honestly, that was a no win situation for any of those guys today. A majority of people think either people think their apologies are forced, or they think they are insincere. Sure, there are some people that probably believe their apologies were genuine and they are truly remorseful...but those are the same people that believe unicorns exist in a land with cotton candy clouds.

And if I have to hear another person say the words "Buckeye Nation" -- I may explode. It was a term that was overused and as one person actually counted...happened nine times.

Mr. Posey has already said he's coming back next that leaves Pryor, Adams, Herron to prepare for their NFL tryout that is the Allstate Sugar Bowl.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Verizon iPhone vs. Droid x

Verizon iPhone is set to be releases sometime in list that is what Reports are saying. (funny how skype did this on "accident")

Now as I type this I'm doing so via iPad, but I am a diehard droid x

supporter. I love the phone, it literally does it all. BUT even I have thought about making the switch to iPhone. I'm sure that Verizon will cripple the phone much like it tried to do with the droid. However, man will over come and figure out ways to make the phones do what they want.

Just rooted my droid, so there is nothing I cannot do with it, but I'm looking to see what others say. Who has an iPhone? Let me know what you think...

- BlogPress from my iPad

Suspended Buckeyes and the NCAA coverup?

Having graduated from The Ohio State University I know the importance of OSU football tradition. Even I don't care about the fact they sold their rings. The only thing I wish they would have kept was their gold pants.

Those pants are about beating Michigan...the team we all love to hate. I mean....its Michigan. I lived through the Cooper years, going 1-10 and really hating Michigan more and more year after year.

The bigger issue here is not the rules violation itself, but the fact the NCAA continuously protects the schools that make the BCS viable. Yep, I would have suspended the guys for the Sugar bowl. The NCAA covered this up again just like the Cam Newton phenomenon.

Shame on you NCAA, you know better than this.

Grand re-opening of the sporting pains blog.

So... I closed is blog months ago because ... Well I was lazy. I also had a lot going on in my life.

However, now I have decided to give this blogging the old college try again. I will however be adding different content to this website besides just sports. I'm attempting this blogging thing via my iPad so this should be at least half amazing.