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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Google, CR48 and my plea to Google...

Any of my friends will tell you, I have a passion for technology. It's probably more of a disease than a passion to be honest. I find myself drawn into Google and their products like a moth to the flame. Doesn't matter what they create, I literally must have it. (which I find to be ironic because I'm blogging from my iPad right now)

I stumbled upon a gentleman that has the Google Chrome netbook, aka CR48. His asking price is modest, which is great but how can I justify purchasing the netbook while I blog to you on an iPad? Again, I go back to the fact that its Google and I must have it. Adam Rothstein literally sold me (as if I needed it) that I need to have this in my life.

So to sum this plea to Google is....allow me to acquire a CR48. Allow me to put the netbook through the ropes of my internet usage. I already use my Google powered phone to 4+gigs per month (thanks Verizon!) Give me the pleasure of telling people "you don't want that ipad thingy, you want this Google thingy.

- BlogPress from my iPad

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